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103-130% after 1 day or 110-195% after 3 days or 117-250% after 5 days or 135-450% after 10 days or 12% daily for 12 business days or 125-350% after 7 days or 350-1200% after 45 days or 170-600% after 20 days or 250-750% after 40 days or 325-1000% after 6
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Added: Apr 18th, 2022
Monitored: 1012 days
Lifetime: 1012 days

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Zenedy attracts funds from investors around the world and guarantees stable profitability for absolutely all partners in society. Zenedy Ltd is well-founded and intends to stay that way. We develop our company through competitive business practices in the field of investment and fund management while doing everything needed to cultivate trust and transparency in our customer relationships, even during difficult times. Zenedy is one of the world's top-notch business companies with first-class analysts in the field of the Trading Market. We always defend the highest level of integrity to unload our functions. We seek to create value for our customers by constantly looking for innovative solutions throughout the investment process. The company has many years of experience in the Investment market, a high reputation, and a successful history.
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